Manage the eating habits of Kids

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Expose them to a variety of meals from a young age.

Rather than compelling your child to eat a particular vegetable, you can expose them to a variety of meals that can compensate for their nutritional intake. Make them eat a variety of fruits, dairy products and to name a few. See what they like and what they don’t.

Preach and practice healthy eating habits.

Parents are role models for their children. Until and unless you start eating healthy, you cannot expect your child to do the same. Hence, it is recommended to make a proper diet for yourself first and then ask your child to follow the suit.

Experiment with cooking techniques.

Trying to cook meals in various ways is another inventive strategy that can be beneficial for parents. You can mash or roast cauliflower, for instance, if your youngster doesn’t like it. Kids can lose the urge to reject food by doing this.

Cook with your kids.

Regardless of the portion size, parents can seek the children’s assistance in the kitchen. Getting them involved in the preparation of food will certainly encourage them to consume it as well as make them feel good about themselves. 

Appreciate your kids.

Keep telling your kids how proud you are of them when they try new foods or eat healthily. Mealtimes will become less hectic for you and very pleasant for them as a result. Getting appreciated boosts their urge to repeat their actions as they are taught during their play school learning.

Lay emphasis on family meals.

Make sure that you and your child eat together at least one time a day. If you live in a joint family, you can urge others to join you in at least one family meal. Each family member chooses the theme for dinner once a month, and everyone else is expected to follow it. You can even ask your kid to participate in this theme night by enlisting their choice in cooking dinner. The play school concepts suggest that involving kids in activities at home boosts their confidence and growth. By eating together, your child can relish food that has a high nutritional value. In addition to that, you can easily keep an eye on your child’s intake. 

Create not-so-unhealthy junk at home.

Using high-quality ingredients, you might attempt to create your own kind of nutritious junk food. For instance, you may use fresh juice and fruit puree to prepare fruit ice candies for dessert. You can stumble upon umpteen mind-boggling recipes of making healthy junk food at home. Once a week you can make it for your child. In this manner, you will be satiating their cravings for junk food in a healthier manner. 

Designate a “Today’s Special”.

At The Learning Stations, one of the best , we celebrate “Health Week” wherein kids are supposed to bring a particular type of dish on each of the weekdays. You can make one such schedule for your home. 

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